"Lazarus" is an upcoming sci-fi thriller directed by Ben Wheatley and written by Wheatley and Amy Jump. The film stars Tilda Swinton, Joaquim Phoenix, Mark Rylance, and Michael B. Jordan. The plot follows the story of a group of astronauts who discover a mysterious object beyond the edge of the solar system, leading to a tense and existential journey.
The film is highly anticipated due to its stellar cast and the creative vision of director Ben Wheatley, known for his work on films such as "High-Rise" and "Kill List." "Lazarus" explores themes of isolation, exploration, and the unknown, promising to deliver a gripping and thought-provoking cinematic experience.
As of now, specific details about the plot and production of "Lazarus" are relatively scarce, but the combination of talented filmmakers and an intriguing premise has generated significant buzz among audiences and critics alike. Fans of science fiction cinema are eagerly awaiting further updates and the eventual release of "Lazarus."